從死學生簡繁轉換 - 繁體林鈺堂
一生憂擾或爭執,世間功名與榮華, 生前貴賤貧富殊,各據地盤與山頭; 死者是我真教師,無言傳盡無限訣! 經行尸林頓然悟,生死只隔咫尺間! 哪來時間行爭論?何不放下任自真! 此刻同聚不久長,誰能保證再見歡? 苦海浮沉迷失客,早日醒悟死非遙! 一九九四年
Learning from the Dead
Learning from the Dead 01
Learning from the Dead 02
Learning from the Dead 03
Learning from the Dead 04
Learning from the Dead 05
Learning from the Dead 06 ----- Original Message ----- Several disciples asked me to write this long poem. I did not do it
because it is rather lengthy and my wife did calligraphy for this already. Today I felt like doing it, so I did it. When I looked at them I
thought that it was still worthwhile for the author to write them in
calligraphy because it felt like the words were pouring from my heart. It took three pages, so the three file-names ends in P1, P2 and P3.
Yutang 最敬愛的師佛, 弟子再請師佛的墨寶,「世界最高阿彌陀佛像禮讚」及其他的詩作。 X0003 天空與海洋、F1015 淋浴堂、F0909 心晴、F0898 淡淡、F0880 海葬、F0404 圓融無量、F0376 過客、F0385 字面化身、F0699 心事、F0555 點撥、F0437 莫愁、F0453 萍水、F0836 任流、F0726 任輕狂、F0015 《金剛經》之大圓滿、F0005 從死學生。
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