寶源度母讚 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體

金身純真 法性無盡 慈懷展供施
寶瓶純潔 功德深廣 憫眾增福慧
嘉禾純厚 佛果纍纍 佛子遍分享
妙智純樸 救渡無染 度母誠寶源

                     養和齋   於加州

Praise to Gem Source Tara

Praise to Gem Source Tara

Praise to Gem Source Tara Yutang Lin

Golden body of pure genuineness
Dharma nature of boundlessness
Expanding offerings born of compassion

Gem vase of pure immaculateness
Profound and expansive merits
Increasing joy and wisdom out of pity for beings

Wondrous cereal of pure profoundness
Full of grains of enlightened attainments
All Bodhi aspirants share their flavors

Wondrous wisdom of pure simplicity
Universal salvation without contamination
Tara, thou are truly Source of Gems

Written in Chinese on August 2, 2008
Translated on August 8, 2008
El Cerrito, California

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