千手觀音禮讚 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體

彌陀頂嚴示無二 憫眾頭裂悲甚深
千處祈救千處應 千手觀音前頂禮

忿容俯視眾心魔 正見威震除我執
慈悲喜捨降四魔 千手觀音前頂禮

九面三層渡三界 一體三面智悲力
千手千眼方便廣 千手觀音前頂禮

六道眾苦無止歇 渴求慈祐賜解脫
無盡慈悲未暫捨 千手觀音前頂禮


                     養和齋    於加州

Prostration in Praise of Thousand-arm Guan Yin

Prostration in Praise of Thousand-arm Guan Yin

----- Original Message -----
From: "Yutang Lin"
To: "'Mian Yan'"
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2007 3:29 PM
Subject: RE: Two New Works in Chinese_兩件新中文之作

Disciple Mian Yan typed F1445, and as she requested below, two calligraphy files are also attached.

This email is Bcc to all on my list.

May all beings attain Enlightenment soon!


-----Original Message-----
From: Mian Yan
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2007 10:46 PM
To: Yutang Lin
Subject: Re: Two New Works in Chinese

Dearest Guru,

The file is attached. May I have your calligraphies both F1445 & F1446?


Mian Yan

Prostration in Praise of Thousand-arm Guan Yin Yutang Lin

Amitabha Buddha atop to indicate non-duality,
Profound compassion caused head to split into many,
Supplications from thousand places all got responded,
We prostrate to the Thousand-arm Guan Yin!

Wrathful countenance looking down at evils in our minds,
The power of right view scatters away grasping to a self,
Mercy, compassion, joy and renunciation pacified all evils,
We prostrate to the Thousand-arm Guan Yin!

Nine faces at three levels to save beings in the Three Realms,
Three facets as embodiment of wisdom, compassion and power,
Thousand arms with thousand eyes to carry out boundless salvation,
We prostrate to the Thousand-arm Guan Yin!

Sufferings of beings in the Six Realms are incessant,
We are desperate for liberation through your graceful salvation,
Endless compassion has never forsaken any being for a second,
We prostrate to the Thousand-arm Guan Yin!

Upon request of disciple Goh Yong Lee
Written in Chinese and translated on July 31, 2007
El Cerrito, California

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