六臂大黑天禮讚 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體

六道眾苦 六方佛慈 六臂悉擔荷
觀音大悲 普度大慈 大力能開顯
堅貞不移 遇難益彰 如黑蓋餘色
不請自臨 唯法是問 佛子真依怙


                     養和齋    於加州

Praise to Six-arm Mahakala

Praise to Six-arm Mahakala

Original Message -----
From: Yutang Lin
To: 'zhixuan zhang'
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 2:28 PM
Subject: 3rd RE: 頂禮供養六臂怙主!

As requested by disciple Zhi Xuan below, calligraphy of my praise to Six-arm Mahakala and his mantra are attached.

----- Original Message -----
From: Yutang Lin
To: 'zhixuan zhang'
Sent: Saturday, November 17, 2007 2:08 PM
Subject: 2nd RE: 頂禮供養六臂怙主!

As requsted by disciple Zhi Xuan below I had composed a Praise to Six-arm Mahakala in Chinese and in English. The files are attached.

I will do the calligraphy later.

May all beings attain Enlightenment soon!



From: zhixuan zhang
Sent: Friday, November 16, 2007 5:41 AM
To: 上師 如意寶
Subject: 頂禮供養六臂怙主!


我等無餘眾生三世不離的上師依怙主,弟子可否敬請 您老人家敬造 六臂馬哈嘎那的祈請頌贊,同時賜下該贊及心咒的墨寶?因為六臂怙主是大悲觀世音菩薩的化身,同時也是 您老的護法及所有弟子眾的監護者,所以弟子很希望能得到他的眷顧與加持。

祈禱 六臂怙主恒常守護傳承並保 師佛佛母及諸佛子之平安吉祥!


Praise to Six-arm Mahakala Yutang Lin

Suffering of beings in the six realms
Compassion of Buddhas in the six directions
Are all loaded upon your capable six arms

Great compassion of Guan Yin
Great mercy of universal salvation
Great power capable of their realization

Solid virtue unmovable
More obvious in the face of obstacles
Like black covering all remaining colors

Arrived without being supplicated
Dharma is your only concern
Real refuge of Buddha's offspring you are


Six-arm Mahakala is a great Dharma protector that is a transformation of Guan Yin. Often he would engage in salvation activities at his own initiative without being supplicated; therefore, I praised him as "arrived without being supplicated, Dharma is your only concern." Being no different from Guan Yin's great compassion and mercy, he is the personification of Guan Yin's great power, and hence he is "real refuge of Buddha's offspring."

Composed upon request from disciple Zhi Xuan
Written in Chinese and translated on November 16, 2007
El Cerrito, California

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