A Systematized Collection of Chenian Booklets Nos. 1-100

Category II: No 7 to No.19_THEORY

By Yogi C. M. Chen

Category II: THEORY

No. 7. The Pollution of Human Thought (posted May 16, 1999)

No. 8. A Talk on Preaching (posted on May 16, 1999)

No. 9. How Ascent is Possible (posted on May 16, 1999)

No. 10. The Merit of Practice in a Cemetery (modified on May 16, 1999)

No. 11. Buddhist Principles: Admonitory & Pragmatical (posted on May 16, 1999)

No. 12. A Chart of Buddhist Essential Principles & Practices in its Whole System (posted May 26, 1999)

No. 13. Why I Emphasize Three-Yanas-in-One (posted on May 16, 1999)

No. 14. Three-Yana Meditations in One System Related to the Five Poisons (posted on May 17, 1999)

No. 15. Why I Emphasize the Whole System of Buddhist Philosophy (modified on May 16, 1999)

No. 16. The Three-C's of Each Yana and Their Interconnections within the Whole System of Buddhism, Part I (posted on May 17, 1999)

No. 17. The Three-C's of Each Yana and Their Interconnections within the Whole System of Buddhism, Part II (posted on May 17, 1999)

No. 18. The Subtle Discriminations between the Practices of Sunyata in the Three Yanas (posted on May 17, 1999)

No. 19. The Special Characteristics of the Nyingmapa School (posted on May 17, 1999)

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